Saturday, September 17, 2011

date wars

matt has two weeks left in san francisco. so the next two wednesdays, we are having date wars. i am planning our first date on next wednesday and he is planning our second date the wednesday after that. i know we don't have that many followers, but hopefully you guys participate. we are going to post our dates afterwards and we want you guys to vote for the best date idea (which will be MINE!!!). winner pays for a third (and probably final date for a while).

hopefully his date knocks my socks off (because that will be a pretty sweet date). wish us luck!!!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

beer brewing

Last Wednesday, Margaret and I had Russell and Jaleen over to brew my first batch of beer ever!!  I am very excited to say that in approximately 4 weeks I will be drinking my home made IPA that I have named Evy's Black Cap IPA.  The process took about 3 hours altogether and was extremely nerve wracking only because it was my first time brewing.

The whole night was a lot of fun.  Russell and I were totally involved with the brewing process while Margaret and Jaleen were obsessing over their Kindles.  We kept Jaleen and Russell up pretty late but I can safely say that I wouldn't have been nearly as comfortable brewing if Russell wasn't there.  He's a seasoned veteran when it comes to home made brewing.


Straining the wort

I love hoppy beers

Anyway,  the beer is sitting idly in a corner for the next two weeks until it will be ready to be bottled.  I can't wait to see how it is going to turn out!